Improvement of maintenance management in a construction and assembly company



Maintenance audit, Maintenance evaluation, Maintenance management, Maintenance audit procedure


The present work has the objective of applying a procedure for the realization of the maintenance audits in the Construction and Assembly Company of Ciego de Ávila. Trough the use of the described methodology, the recognition of the entity is carried out and the tecnical state of ist equipment is determined, the maintenance management process is diagnosed and evaluated, detecting the strong and weak points of the entity, wich that allows establishing improvement actions with a view to improving the performance of this process in the company. Bibliographic review methods were used, direct observation, documentary review, interviews, application of diagnostic guide and radar graph. The results show that the main problems that affect Maintenance Management in the company are located in the areas: Maintenance Administration, Third Party Services and Evaluation and Control. In addition, the value obtained at the maintenance management level of 61,23 points allows a quantitative evaluation of maintenance management in the company.


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2023-05-25 — Updated on 2024-03-07


How to Cite

Luis Castro, J. I., & Dominico Díaz, L. (2024). Improvement of maintenance management in a construction and assembly company. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(2), 67–81. Retrieved from (Original work published May 25, 2023)



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