Behavior of mulberry (Morus alba L.) Var. Yu-69 in establishment with different planting frameworks




establishment, fodder, mulberry, sprouting


With the objective of determining the influence of different planting distances in the establishment stage of the M. alba crop, in the supply farm of the “María Samuel Noble” Sports Initiation School (EIDE). For this, Mulberry cuttings of the Yu-69 variety were planted at distances of 1m x 0,50 m; 1m x 0,75m and 1m x 1m. Evaluations were carried out, every 10 days from planting until 50 days after the cuttings were planted, of the variables percentage of sprouting, number of shoots per plant, length of the branches and number of leaves per branch. As a result of the investigation, it was determined that there was no significant influence of the planting distances on the parameters evaluated in the establishment stage, obtaining sprouting percentage values between 97 and 98%, with a number of 2,2 to 2,4 buds per plant, with a branch length of between 19,8 and 22,4 cm and a number of between 3,2 and 3,8 leaves per branch.


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How to Cite

Abreu Izquierdo, D., Cepero Rodríguez, O. G., & Rodríguez Santana, I. A. (2024). Behavior of mulberry (Morus alba L.) Var. Yu-69 in establishment with different planting frameworks. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 90–99.



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