Historical trends in the training process of the Physical Culture activist in the care of the elderly





activists, activist training, older adults


The research emphasizes the historical trends of the training process of the Physical Culture activist in the care of the elderly due to its importance in the training of the Physical Culture activist capable of assuming the challenges that emerge in social processes, culture, sport and its dynamics. A training that takes into account external aspects and the person as an integral subject, in the future with their fellow human beings and in a process that transcends the barriers of the immediate to address the human condition as potentiality, in the determining role of transmitter of Culture. Physics and transformer of society: being an activist in a stage of many remains, The trends revealed point to the need to train the Physical Culture activist in elements necessary for their performance, so the objective is to know the trends in the that goes through the training of the Physical Culture activist.


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How to Cite

González Benavente, L. M., Carrera Sanamé, M., & López Chaviano, M. (2024). Historical trends in the training process of the Physical Culture activist in the care of the elderly. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11167654



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