About the Journal

Approach and scope

Educación y sociedad journal is published in electronic format with academic and scientific character. It is annexed to the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila and it is issued every four months. Its objective is to divulge scientific and academic production generated at the University of Ciego de Ávila and other educational institutions from the province, the country and foreign countries with the purpose of promoting scientific exchange and the socialization of results in the scope of Sciences of Education.

The journal is addressed to researchers, teachers, students, and other specialists interested in different disciplines of the field of Sciences of Education. Collaborations include the following thematic fields: Pre-service and Postgraduate Education; Civic and Patriotic Education; Philosophy of Education; Psychology of Education; Pedagogy; Didactics; Particular Didactics of subjects and knowledge areas; Educational Research; Scientific Educational Direction; Extracurricular Work; Technology of Information and Communication Sciences; Health Education; Environmental Education; Juridical Education; Economics Education; Professionals Training; Teachers Training; Pedagogical Professional Orientation.

The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and essays every four months: first issue (January-April), second issue (May-August) and third issue (September-December). Each issue in process of elaboration is published by adding the articles once they have been approved. The closing of each issue is done in the first two weeks of the months of January, May and September. Occasionally, special and monographic issues may be published.

Each issue presents a main body of articles and two thematic sections: Edges and profiles in which articles are published that address the same topic from different perspectives or contexts and articles on different topics that are significant for their novelty. In the School Context section, articles are published that address issues related to the different educational subsystems, except Higher Education.

Peer Evaluation Process

All papers will be submitted to the process of analysis and approval with the peer evaluation system, double blind peer revision modality, to comply with the anonymity of authors and referees. The evaluation process of articles begins once the Editorial Council verifies the compliance of them with the editorial standards as condition. The Journal is not responsible for the criteria expressed in the article.

Phases of the evaluation process:

  1. Verification of the paper to make sure that it complies with the requisites requested in the standards for authors. If it is corroborated that the paper has any writing difficulties that affect the sense of the text, then it is returned to its authors.  The paper could be submitted again to the editorial process once the difficulties have been mended.
  2. Revision of the paper to avoid plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
  3. Sending of the each paper to two experts of the Scientific Council without the personal details of the author/s.
  4. Experts will have four weeks to analyze the article upon the date the receive it and they will give their opinions—preferably online, by means of the predetermined form--, one of the following verdicts:
  • Publish
  • Publish once the autor/ess corrects the suggested changes in the paper
  • Not to be published

Revision forms:

In case one of the experts does not accept the publication of the article, it will be sent to a third expert for revision; the predominant opinion will be defining. The corrected article will be verified again by the experts; if necessary, it will be sent again and for the last time to the authors to make the corresponding amendments.

Open Access Policy

Educación y Sociedad Journal assumes the open access policy to provide all people free access to the information and use of it without restrictions of the articles that are published. It is possible to have free access to its contents without any charges to the readers; they can freely download, save, copy, summarize, adapt and distribute the published paper always without any commercial purpose and referring the sources and author of the paper.

Authors (esses) do no run any cost for the editorial process of their articles; neither authors nor reviewers will get remunerated by the revision or publication of the papers.


This Journal uses the system LOCKSS to create a storing system distributed among the participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent files in the journal with conservation and restoration purposes. More...

Anti-plagiarism Policy

Educación y Sociedad Journal is against any manifestation opposed to the ethical use of information and for such aim, the following anti-plagiarism tools are applied:

  • Plagiarisma.net  http://plagiarisma.net/es/
  • Plagiarism Checker   http://www.paperrater.com/plagiarism_checker
  • PlagScan    https://www.plagscan.com/es/
  • Plagiarism Checker: http://www.plagiarismchecker.com/

Once plagiarism, cyber plagiarism, or redundant publication is detected, the Editorial Board of the Journal proceeds as follows:

Before the publication of the article: the Editorial Council will consider the opinion of the authors, will objectively assess the situation, will precisely determine the ethic transgression, will communicate the situation to the scientific community, will communicate the situation to the institution, and will reject the article.

After the publication of the article: the same procedure will be followed and once plagiarism has been verified, a retraction and communication note will be addressed to the scientific community; the institution will be informed, as well as the date base where the journal is indexed.

Information about plagiarism

Plagiarism consists in the appropriation of ideas, texts and micro texts of other authors with the intention of assuming them as one´s knowledge and constructions; it constitutes a dishonest practice that affects the prestige of scientific publications of the subjects that incur in it.

One incurs in plagiarism when: the authorship is omitted; quotation marks are not placed; references do not propitiate access to the cites; false paraphrase are made (there are no significant contributions); paraphrase is not identified; formal changes are made to be assumed as one's own; the author´s criteria and scientific critic are not revealed; reproduction of the ideas of consulted sources is not transcended.

One incurs in auto-plagiarism or redundant publication when: fragments of another paper of the same author are incorporated without indicating the reference and when a published article is minimally changed and is presented as a different one.

Ethical Standards

Educación and Sociedad Journal assumes the commitment to favor and to generate the respect to the good practices and ethical standards in publication management, according to the following:

  1. Originality of papers is an essential requisite.
  2. It is required that all authors included in the article had significantly contributed to the analysis and information processing, and the generation of scientific knowledge contained in the article.
  3. An ethical deviation constitutes the free inclusion among the authors, of people whose contribution has not been directly connected with the scientific contents of the article. In such cases, it is recommended making use of notes of acknowledgment.
  4. The authors are responsible for the reliability of data, reports, knowledge, analysis and approaches contained in their article.
  5. The authors and reviewers must report the journal editor on real existence or potential of conflicts of concern in relation to the contents of the article.
  6. The Editorial Council commits itself to attending with agility and transparency the conflicts of concern that may appear, to examine and to give answer to complaints and appeals with honesty, objectivity and attachment to the editorial standards and ethics assumed by the journal.
  7. The Editorial Council will apply the necessary preventions to avoid the appearance of possible conflicts of concern.
  8. The Editorial Council will analyze the complaints and appeals through individual communication with implicated parts, in each case that it is considered necessary and possible.
  9. Editors and reviewers will maintain the discretion and confidentiality in relation to the criteria derived of the analysis of the quality of the articles.
  10. The reviewers commit to scientific accuracy in the process of revision and the notification in the established term.
  11. In case of detecting plagiarism, cyber-plagiarism, or redundant publication, the Editorial Council will analyze the situation with objectivity and it will apply the established procedure in the anti-plagiarism policy: refusing the sending (before publishing it) or retraction (if the article had already been published).
  1. The Editorial Council is responsible for the accuracy of the editorial process, the enrichment of standards, requirements and good practices that contribute to the quality of the magazine.


History of the journal

Educación and sociedad journal was founded in 2004. It was ascribed to the former Manuel Ascunce Domenech Higher Pedagogical Institute of Ciego of Ávila which in 2008 became the University of Pedagogical Sciences. Later, by agreement No. 7599 of August 2, 2014, adopted by the Executive Committee of the Council Of Ministers, this institution became part of Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila ascribed to the Ministry of Higher Education.

The journal has maintained an uninterrupted publication from its origin to the present time. It is registered in National Registry of Serial Publications (RNPS- Spanish acronym) of Ministry of Culture of Cuba, with the number 2073, page 091, volume III. In July 2017 it was certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of  Cuba (CITMA- Spanish acronym).

On January  2015, different changes take place in the editorial policy:  affiliation to Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila; issued every four months, change of logo, sections of previous numbers are not published and the following sections are added: Articles, Features and profiles, and School context.