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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal.
    The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
    The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions including Guidelines for authors.
    The authors will adjust the corrections suggested by the experts and will return the article within the term established by the Editorial Committee.
    The text of the article is original, it does not contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
    The authors know and accept the journal's copyright policy irrevocably and for an unlimited period of time; they know the ethical standards of the magazine and they commit to comply with them.

Author Guidelines

I. Types of publications and texts layout:

The journal accepts original and unpublished contributions that are not under evaluation processes by other journals; and contributions can be of the following types: scientific articles, revision or systematization articles, scientific essays and reviews, resulting from: research papers and academic formation processes, bibliographic review, critical reflection and educational practice systematization, and those derived from scientific-methodological activity.

a) Scientific article

Abstract: in no more than 150 words: objectives and goal of investigation, methods applied, results or contribution; the abstract holds the credibility of findings, the participants, procedures, ways used to obtain the results, and data processing related to the results. All the content is widely stated in the introduction.

Introduction: origins, necessity, pertinence of the study and its objective. Main components of the methodological design, participants, instruments, techniques used to collect information; description of methodological perspectives, type of investigation or experience, sample selection criteria, case or unit of study; reference to data collection and processing ways; steps, stages, procedures followed to achieve the results or contributions.

Development: theoretical framework or conceptual references, analysis of results, findings and contributions, main applications, implications or recommendations. Preferably structured in epigraphs or sections.

Conclusions: systematization and generalization based on the objective.

Bibliographical references: The same style for all types or articles (Check section Formal aspects).

b) Bibliographic review article or systematization article

Abstract: it includes the treated theme and its importance; it specifies the periods or stages of the bibliographical information object of analysis, criteria assumed in the selection of and analysis of sources, as well as the way used to process information, main findings, conclusions or contributions and the objective of the study. All these aspects are included in the introduction.

Introduction: it contains the objective or problematic situation that originates the bibliographical review, criteria followed for the selection and analysis of sources, the way used to process information and speech organization to present the result.

Development: it makes explicit the bibliographical analysis and the methodology followed in the analysis; it reveals the exercise of scientific criticism, sustains the assumption of criteria and approaches; it systematizes and evaluates the theoretical positions according to certain criteria. Preferably structured in epigraphs or sections.

Conclusions: synthesis of the analysis, precision of trends and approaches, reference to pending aspects.

c) Scientific essay (only one author is accepted)

Abstract: it presents the topic, justifies the currentness and relevance of the study, sets out the premises or thesis to be defended and refers to the general approach of the analysis. All this is taken up in the introduction.

Introduction: theoretical or methodological motivation of the essay; approach to the topic or thesis, its importance and relevance; conceptual and methodological approach for the development.

Development: presentation of the main ideas to defend a thesis or contrast analytically and reflectively two or more theses about the specific object of study. The essay supposes the argumentation with own, original, innovative criteria, and free flow of thought; it must address some controversial difficulties of the subject. The scientific essay must provoke questions on scientific grounds.

Conclusions: summary, reference to other possible difficulties of analysis.

d) Scientific review (only one author is accepted)

Abstract: it presents the title of the book, author(s), year of publication (only reviews of texts published in the current year will be accepted), publisher, and number of pages; it briefly refers to the most general characteristics of the publication.

Introduction: it exposes the motivations and purposes of the review, as well as the importance of the reviewed text; it refers to the significance of the author(s) in the field of educational sciences.

Development: it presents the title of the book, author(s), year of publication, publisher and number of pages; describes the general structure and design of the book, analytically assesses its content; highlights the main successes and failures from the perspective of scientific criticism.

Conclusions: they synthesize the significance and contributions of the publication under review.

II. Formal aspects (download Template):

a) Format: Page configuration: size letter with margin 2.5 on each side; interlineation 1.5 and the separation of paragraphs will be of 6; Font Letter Times New Roman, size 12 points, in Microsoft Word of Windows. Italics will be used instead of underlining, except in directions URL. Maximum extension 20 pages and minimum extension 10 including summary, body, images, charts, graphics, diagrams, equations, formulas.

b) Title: in Spanish and English with no more than 15 words, without abbreviations.

c) Authors: Full name(s) of each author, with surnames joined by a hyphen; only three authors per article are accepted (except in the case of essays and reviews, where only one author is accepted); each author may include email, ORCID number, name of the institution affiliation and country. In the case of an institution from general technical-professional educational level, municipality, province and country are necessary; provincial institutions only require province and country; universities only require country. For foreign contributions, equivalent names Will be used; example, departments, states or others.

d) Type of paper: From the title on, the type of text that is being sent (scientific article, revision or systematization article, scientific essay, review) will be specified on footnote.

e) Origin of the paper: paper can originate from:

  • Scientific projects (in this case it is necessary to name the project and the entity it is sponsored by).
  • Academic formation processes (doctoral and master studies, with precise identification in each case).
  • Theoretical systematization.
  • Practical systematization.
  • Derived from scientific-methodological activity.
  • Others (specify).
  • f) Abstract: in Spanish and English in no more than 150 words according to the content established by each type or article.
  • g) Keywords: in Spanish and English, between three and five words or nominal phrases, in alphabetical order separated by comma, preferably normalized by the UNESCO Thesaurus or the UNESCO Education Thesaurus – IEA, and indicating which.

h) Structure: all articles are structured in Introduction, Development, Conclusions and Bibliographical references: the content of each section is differentiated according to what is established for each type of article (except references). The names of the sections will be written in bold, with an initial capital letter, without a full stop or colon.

i) Footnotes: only if necessary. They should be brief, numbered consecutively for additional information; they should be used to strengthen the discussion, to indicate copyright permissions. They should not be used to include references.

j) Visual resources: tables, diagrams and graphs must not be in image format; maps, photographs, drawings, illustrations should be in GIF, JPG, BMP or PCX format; they must be presented in accordance with the provisions of the seventh edition of the APA style.

k) Bibliographical references: the APA seventh edition style will be used and they are not listed. They must correspond exactly with the sources and authors mentioned literally or paraphrased in the body of the work. The predominance of sources published in the five years prior to the date of submission is required, preferably articles from scientific journals and doctoral theses. The use of sources in English is desirable. Each settlement must be accompanied by all the necessary information to promote reader access to the sources.

l) Scientific writing: the text must follow the requirements of scientific writing: clarity, precision, conciseness; adequate structure and adjustment to the orthographic, grammatical and textual regulations of the Spanish language.


Publica artículos de diversos tipos y temas.

Aristas y Perfiles

Sección temática; se publican artículos que abordan un mismo tema desde diferentes enfoques o contextos así como artículos de diferentes temas significativos por su novedad.

Contexto escolar

Sección temática; se publican artículos que abordan temas relacionados con los diferentes subsistemas educacionales, excepto la Educación Superior.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses introduced in this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for its use with other intentions.