The development of social skills in a student with Asperger syndrome: a case study



inclusive education, personality, development socialization


Through a preliminary examination, the presence of difficulties in the inclusion process of a schoolboy with Asperger's syndrome who attends primary school was detected. A case study was


carried out where difficulties were found in the social skills of the schoolchild, detecting that the fundamental cause was found in the lack of coordination in the work that teachers and the family must develop together, from the educational process. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and empirical methods; the case study, class observation and document analysis. A sociogram was carried out; The SWOT matrix technique was used and an interview was applied to teachers (7) and family members (4). Finally, an educational strategy for the development of social skills was designed, which was submitted to the criteria of specialists for its application in educational practice.



How to Cite

Berrío-Sánchez, S. M., Gámez-Martínez, A. ., & Bonachea-Cabrera, I. . (2022). The development of social skills in a student with Asperger syndrome: a case study. Educación Y Sociedad, 20(1), 81–101. Retrieved from


