The general practitioner, the family, and the community in neonate care of adolescent mothers


  • Andrés Pina-Rodríguez Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Manuel Ascunce Domenech"
  • Aneya Ilizástigui-Matos Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Manuel Ascunce Domenech"


neonate, adolescent mother, comprehensive general practitioner


Maternity is not a role for the adolescent period. In spite of the preventive work that has been carried out in Cuban educational and health institutions, it continues being a risk factor in the population. The comprehensive attention of the mother and the neonate requires the cooperative work among the health personnel, the family and the social factors of the community that are present in the life of the newborn child. The main objective of the current paper is to give reasons about the influence of the general practitioner, the family, and the social factors of the community in the attention of the neonate and adolescent mothers.


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How to Cite

Pina-Rodríguez, A. ., & Ilizástigui-Matos, A. . (2014). The general practitioner, the family, and the community in neonate care of adolescent mothers. Educación Y Sociedad, 12(1), 85–99. Retrieved from


