Visibilization of the Mapuche people in Santiago: A didactic proposal linked to the kimün and orality



claim, community, culture, didactic proposal, identity, memory


This research article aims to create a didactic proposal, linked to the participation of the Mapuche people in the historical processes in the Chilean territory, throughout the 20th century. For this purpose, a research with a qualitative approach was carried out, in the form of a bibliographic review, creating a didactic proposal based on the nuclearization of the corresponding units of the subjects of History, Geography and Social Sciences and Language and Culture of Ancestral Peoples. The didactic proposal was organized in seven classes, with a common objective. It intertwines methodologies of the traditional educational system with the orality of ancestral knowledge, through experiences made visible in the stories. Focusing on the Mapuche community living in the city of Santiago, as a result of migration, due to violent exile, seeking to create a sense of belonging to the ethnic group, making it part of the daily life of people, both their language, worldview and knowledge.


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How to Cite

Lepe-Alarcón, C. . (2023). Visibilization of the Mapuche people in Santiago: A didactic proposal linked to the kimün and orality. Educación Y Sociedad, 21(1), 30–49. Retrieved from


