Evaluation of the index of deterioration in flexible pavements on roads of national interest
Maintenance, Pavement, Undulations, Visual inspection, WalksAbstract
The investigation was carried out in the North Circuit of the Municipality of Bolivia and the section between the new Miraflores and the Caonao Bridge with results that were carried out in the road strip of the same road including damages in the walks of the same and in its ditches, where we determined the number of sampling unit for each sample of the section included in the two sections, also took into account the visual inspection that was made to the road section. Damages that occur in this section were evaluated taking into account that weathering and the effect of weathering is the most frequent fault of the left section of the pavement with an index of 29.44% and in the section of the right with an index of 21 % with more frequent imperfections in the undulations that covered a 5.70 %, the distribution of the state of the pavement evaluated was 59 % and 41 % both on the left and on the right respectively, the states of deterioration of the pavement that the same has to undergo a sudden maintenance plan in order to mitigate the effects of progressive deterioration to which the road is subject.
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