Diagnosis and enhancement proposals for agricultural sustainability in a cuban enterprise



Agroecosystem, Food sovereignty, Sustainable production


Climate change, natural disasters and the Covid-19 cause negative impacts on food sovereignty and the sustainability of agricultural production. La Cuba Agricultural Enterprise agroecosystems are under a great production pressure. Therefore there is a need for a yield increase and to protect the environment at the same time. The aim of the project was to contribute to the development of sustainable agricultural production in La Cuba Agricultural Enterprise. It took place between 2016 and 2018. The cropping systems research methodology was used. As diagnostic tools transect walk, semi-estructural interview and a series of measuring were applied. The main problems found were i) edaphic: low soil fertility and soil compactness; ii) climatic: erratic rainfall; biotic: low crop biodiversity and low tree presence; iv) management: inharmonic soil management taking into account its fertility, humidity and the cropping systems that are establish. Solution alternatives to the main problems found were proposed. They include the adoption of elemental measures or soil conservation, crop rotation with plants of specific characteristics, the 4R approach to fertilizer management, the organic matter incorporation to the soil, the adequate irrigation management, the growing of a great variety of crop species, the employment of well adapted and high yielding crop varieties with an enhanced nutritional quality and resistant to biotic and abiotic stress and the adoption of integrated pest management.


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2023-01-25 — Updated on 2023-05-24


How to Cite

Rodríguez Guzmán, R., Rego Martín, N. ., & Rodríguez Serrano, A. (2023). Diagnosis and enhancement proposals for agricultural sustainability in a cuban enterprise. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(1), 64–78. Retrieved from https://revistas.unica.cu/index.php/uciencia/article/view/2409 (Original work published January 25, 2023)



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