Web application for the automation of the weather variables wind and pumping flow
Data automation, Java, Meteorological variables, WEB applicationAbstract
The implementation of new numerical models of meteorological forecasts in the Provincial Meteorological Center of Sancti Spíritus, can contribute to the development of multiple services aimed at agriculture and other spheres of the economy and society. One of these models is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), which generates large amounts of forecast data, in a complex spatial and temporal matrix, very difficult to manage due to the current limitations of technological resources at the center. In order to contribute to the management of these data and to elaborate new agrometeorological forecasts, based on the WRF output data, a WEB application was developed, integrated to the center's automated weather monitoring system. The eXtreme Programming (XP) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methodologies were used to develop this application, and the Java Server Faces (JSF) frameworks were used for its implementation, with the Primefaces component library and Hibernate, with its Hibernate Query Language (HQL). In addition, the Java programming language and the PostgreSQL database manager were used. As a result, it was possible to decode and access the NetCDF files of the WRF model, which enable the forecast of new agrometeorological variables and indicators, such as wind and water flow pumped by windmills, among others.
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- 2023-05-24 (2)
- 2023-01-25 (1)
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