Diagnostic of financial education in the countdown sector municipality of Ciego de Avila
Banking services, Financial culture, Self-employedAbstract
This document deals with the Financial Education to provide the appropriate tools that allows the population train to make the correct financial decisions and thus power thrive in the current economic context. This article has the main objective to diagnose the financial education in the countdown sector and has got as general goal to get a high level of financial education through techniques and methods that allows to increase in the use of banking services in Ciego de Ávila by the countdown sector. This work first addresses a sketch on the different concepts, principles and elements of education financial, that it is exposed by different authors and then makes a brief characterization of self-employed workers of Ciego de Ávila municipality. To carry out this research, theoretical and empirical methods were used as the survey, the fundamental technique for obtaining the results, checking the level of knowledge that workers have on behalf of the municipality.
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