The merger of companies: a look at its conceptual foundations




Business improvement, Business merger, Cuban legal system, Law


The present work entitled "The merger of companies. A look at its conceptual foundations¨ is an investigation of great importance for Law in general and Commercial Law in particular. It is important for the Cuban legal reality the need for an adequate legal recognition and the foundation of the theoretical-legal elements to be taken into account for a future regulation of the merger of companies in the Cuban legal system. The role played by the merger as a tool for the creation of new businesses today is a way of incorporating added value by the companies and it is very important to use strategic partners, in order to optimize processes and develop new products or services, concluding that the regulation of the merger in the Cuban legal system lacks structural elements in terms of modification of the business system. Methods of the theoretical level such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive were used.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2023-09-25


How to Cite

Donis Vieites, H., González Bello, K. ., & Martín Márquez, L. A. . (2023). The merger of companies: a look at its conceptual foundations. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 14–26. (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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