Implementation of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (AMFE) in the construction sector



Construction, Failure, Process, Risk


In construction, despite the existence of some applications of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology, it has not been possible to exploit all its potential for risk identification and prevention of construction defects. With the application of this methodology in the construction of houses, it is possible to predict what will be the failures that may occur during the execution of the construction process, allowing corrective measures to be applied, familiarizing and educating the personnel in teamwork during the execution, with the aim of so that they are the ones who anticipate possible failures, identify the causes and propose preventive actions. In the present investigation it is intended to incorporate this new diagnostic technique for buildings in the construction sector, to propose a new application of FMEA and to determine its strengths with respect to other types of methodologies. It is concluded that through the application of this Methodology in the construction processes, it is possible to improve the quality, reliability and safety of the process, as well as the reduction of the probability of failure occurrence, as well as greater flexibility to couple or adapt according to the requirements the field in which its use is required.


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2023-01-25 — Updated on 2023-05-24


How to Cite

Malvarez Maure, D. (2023). Implementation of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (AMFE) in the construction sector. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(1), 118–127. Retrieved from (Original work published January 25, 2023)



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