Increase in capacity in the 3g mobile access network



Capacity, Mobile Communications, Primary band, Quality of service


In the present investigation, the technical-social impact of increasing the capacity of the cellular telephone network in limited sites in primary band is analyzed, which due to the high traffic demand that the user experience has is degraded. Variants to be implemented that guarantee doubling the capacity in the network in the sites in question are proposed, the different variants to be implemented are analyzed to guarantee the increase in capacity and their compatibility with Long Term Evolution (LTE) scenarios. The proposed solutions do not require financing for investments, they focus on the rearrangement of the spectrum to make a more efficient use of it. Part of the spectrum reserved for the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is limited to use it in an LTE carrier or another carrier of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), to free up part of the band that is required for GSM was implemented in Matlab an algorithm that is based on the analysis of the neighboring cells in order to assign the frequency of the GSM carriers that must be changed. These modifications would have a positive impact on the quality of service perceived by the user, since the cell load is expected to decrease due to the fact that users will be balanced between two carriers, decreasing the values of Total Received Broadband Power (RTWP). and increasing throughput.


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2023-01-25 — Updated on 2023-05-24


How to Cite

Pineda Sánchez, L., Otero Rodríguez, S., & Dorta Guevara, G. (2023). Increase in capacity in the 3g mobile access network. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(1), 128–139. Retrieved from (Original work published January 25, 2023)



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