Solution to pathologies due to carbonation in the housing blocks of the "Colonial Cayo Coco Hotel"



Carbonation in concrete, Construction pathology, Corrosion, Phenolphthalein


Within the research framework, the measurement of the carbonation depth is present, to know if it exceeds the measurement of coating, using phenolphthalein as an acid-base indicator, which was sprayed on uncovered surfaces during the semi-destructive processes carried out on the elements. As the concrete does not offer protection for the steel when being in values of potential hydrogen (pH) lower than 9.00, depending on the results offered in a range of upper and lower turn, it was necessary tests to have a greater accuracy with respect to the risk of corrosion and obtain the percentage of those that were really carbonated. The (pH) was measured with the ExStik Concrete pH Kit model PH150-C and the evaluated areas were distributed in all the objects studied. With the results obtained, the intervention actions corresponding to the lesions were proposed, depending on their severity, and in this way provide a solution to the existing carbonation pathologies.


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2023-01-25 — Updated on 2023-05-24


How to Cite

Iraola Pérez, A. M., Daquinta de la Cruz, A., & Rodríguez Loyola, L. (2023). Solution to pathologies due to carbonation in the housing blocks of the "Colonial Cayo Coco Hotel". Universidad & Ciencia, 12(1), 174–183. Retrieved from (Original work published January 25, 2023)



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