Biological activity and methods of extraction of essential oils de Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril (MYRTACEAE)



Biological activity, Methods of extraction, Oil essential


The essential oils are complex mixtures of compound volatile, mainly terpenes that are part of the secondary metabolism of the plants. The present investigation work has as objective to analyze the information related with the biological activity of the essential oils of Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril (Myrtaceae), keeping in mind for it, the chemical composition of the essential oils, the extraction methods, as well as its activity antifungal, antimicrobiana and insecticide. For he/she is carried out it an analysis of the experiences of several carried out investigations so much at national level as international, concluding that the method of extraction of the essential oils of Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril more indexed it is the hidrodestilación method, since it is the simplest method of reproducing at laboratory level. Although he/she also stands out the combination of the extraction with the team Soxhlet, attended with Ultrasound and Maceration using the solvents n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. With regard to the components that contain the essential oils of Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril, it is evidenced that the monterpenes and phenylpropanoids are in more proportion, being their main component the eugenol (more than 70 %). In a general way, the essential oils of Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril they have demonstrated a good potential for the antifungal, antimicrobianas, as well as insecticide activities, obtaining percentages of mortality between the 50 and 100 %, in different application dose.


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2023-05-25 — Updated on 2024-03-07


How to Cite

Rodríguez Betancourt, L., Martínez Jiménez, G. ., Trujillo Sánchez, R. ., & Castro Contreras, P. Ángel. (2024). Biological activity and methods of extraction of essential oils de Pimenta dioica (L.) Merril (MYRTACEAE). Universidad & Ciencia, 12(2), 30–44. Retrieved from (Original work published May 25, 2023)



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