Diagnosis of road management in Ciego de Avila province





Initial diagnosis, Improvement of Road Management, Road Management


Preliminary studies on the dynamics of the social economic development of the people from Ciego de Ávila territory, especially, on Road Management from the practical observation of some processes, plus criteria offered by the specialists of the Provincial Road Center, served as arguments for the foundation of the investigation: Improvement of Road Management in the Ciego de Ávila province. The one that is coordinated from the actions of a scientific project. The objective of this article is to present the main results obtained from the initial diagnosis of the current and potential status of said management, corresponding to the first stage of the project of investigation (July-December 2022). In this investigation different methods were used such as: theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistics. The analytical-synthetic method was used to facilitate the interpretation of the characteristics of the object of study, the determination of dimensions and indicators, as well to contribute to the analysis of the results and the arrival of conclusions. Documentary analysis, observation, survey and technical inventory were the instruments and techniques that contributed to the design of diagnostic instruments and to obtain information from their application. The expert criterium was used in the validation of the consistency of said instruments taking into account the reliability indicator: Cronbach's Alpha. The frequency analysis and percentage analysis facilitated the determination of trends and the graphical representation of the indicators, which led to the characterization of The Road Management.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2023-09-25


How to Cite

Machado Jácome, A. ., González Pérez de Corcho, O., & Martínez Rodríguez, H. . (2023). Diagnosis of road management in Ciego de Avila province. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 66–80. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11509692 (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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