The zootechnical flow calendar and its link to the forage balance



Animal production system, Feeding, Herd, Zootechnics, Zootechnical flow


The "Zootechnical flow calendar" is a tool that allows forecasting the conformation of herds, based on productive and reproductive events, as well as productive and reproductive indicators that characterize said herd. It can be linked to other calculation tools, such as the food and forage balance. In the present work it is demonstrated how to link the zootechnical flow calendar with the forage balance, forecasting the amount of food that the herd needs in each season of the year. In the development of the work, the differences between the forage balance that is carried out to diagnose established herds and that that is done to design new production systems are explained. It is also demonstrated, from a problematic situation, the didactic way of linking the zootechnical flow calendar with the forage balance. The method can be used for forecasting purposes, in the preparation of local development projects, as well as to define the granting of bank credits to agricultural producers.


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2023-05-25 — Updated on 2024-03-07


How to Cite

Mazorra Calero, C. A., Fontes Marrero, D., Martínez Melo , J. ., Correa Herrera, N., & Novo Betancourt, Y. (2024). The zootechnical flow calendar and its link to the forage balance. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(2), 55–66. Retrieved from (Original work published May 25, 2023)



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