Copyright: views from its genesis




Copyright, Evolution, Protection, Works


With the first authorial visions at an international level, the human being's ability to create, desire and talent, have shown how humanity has been in constant change and improvement. The march of the years has served as a model for the development of the incipient ideas about copyright. The vertiginous evolution is witness to the dominance, power, jurisdiction and faculty granted, at first, to a small group of society, with easy access to copying, reproduction and alteration of creations prevailing, without respecting Copyright. This paper investigates issues related to the emergence and subsequent evolution of Copyright. The aspirations that it shields are materialized in Systematizing theoretical-doctrinal criteria of Copyright from its genesis until its arrival in Cuban territory. The research has been carried out relying on the following methods: Historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, abstract-concrete, deductive. The hermeneutic method was used as a specific theoretical method of legal investigations. Among the empirical ones that are very useful for research, we worked with non-participant or external observation and with content analysis.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Martínez Vence, L., Rodríguez Hernández, D. M., & Fumero Moreno, D. (2024). Copyright: views from its genesis. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 110–124. (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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