The importance of the communication of science and publications: the case of Ecuador




Bibliometric rankings, Higher education, Publications, Science communication, Visibility


The different ways of communicating science is one of the quantitative indicators of accreditation in Ecuador, the number of publications continues to be the most effective way to calculate the impact of scientific research in higher education institutions. In this chapter, a bibliographical review is carried out regarding the phenomenon of communication of the results of science and innovation. The terms of visibility and impact of the publications are conceptualized from different criteria, the institutions of higher education are analyzed in a particular way as the nucleus of distribution of eertyscientific-technological knowledge and scientific culture, addressing the case of Ecuador and the challenges current scientific publication. Theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Martínez Pérez, O., Alzate Peralta, L. A., & Gómez Rodríguez, V. G. (2024). The importance of the communication of science and publications: the case of Ecuador. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 125–139. (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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