Physiological responses of pelibuey sheep in a traditional production system in the rainy season




Heat stress, Heat tolerance index, Respiratory rate, Temperature and humidity index, Thermal welfare


The increase in temperatures associated with climate change will have negative effects on the welfare of animals that are raised in grazing systems, favoring heat stress. Studies on physiological indicators in sheep can contribute to take measures to confront these environmental conditions on animals. The aim was to evaluate physiological indicators and their relationship with environmental parameters in a traditional production system in Ciego de Ávila, in the rainy season. Ten adult animals were used, in the months of May, July and September, with four days of observation each month. The environmental indicators were determined according to the weather behavior of the days in which the measurements were made, in the morning and afternoon, as well as the physiological indicators. A significant effect of the day´s session was found on physiological indicators: rectal temperature, respiratory rate and heat tolerance index, with the highest values in the afternoon. THI values were higher than 72,2 in all the weeks, both in the morning and in the afternoon and determined stress and severe stress in 66,6 % of the time in the afternoon session. High correlations were obtained between respiratory rate, rectal temperature and THI, which explains the heat stress conditions to which the animals are subjected in this traditional production systems in the rainy season. The relationships between physiological behavior and climatic variables reflect the importance of thermal welfare in animals, and the need to adjust environmental conditions by incorporating natural shade in grazing areas to reduce the incidence of solar radiation on animals.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Martínez Melo, J., Serrano Torres, J. O. ., & Fonseca Fuentes, N. . (2024). Physiological responses of pelibuey sheep in a traditional production system in the rainy season. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 140–154. (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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