Morphology and germination of Euphorbia heterophylla L. seeds



Embryo, Endosperm, Germination, Viability


Knowledge of the morphophysiological characteristics of fruits and seeds is important to study the reproductive form and the possibility of domesticating a native species of agricultural or pharmaceutical interest. The purpose of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics and germination capacity of Euphorbia heterophylla L. seeds, due to its agricultural and economic importance. Morphological analyzes were carried out with 20 fruits and 50 seeds recently harvested and randomly selected. The morphological characteristics of the embryo were determined, as well as its development. Additionally, the physiological characteristics of the seeds were studied through moisture content, viability and germination at different photoperiods. The mature fruit of E. heterophylla is a three-lobed capsule with an average of 3 seeds per fruit. The seeds are conical with a wide base, carunculate and dark brown in color. The embryo is spatulate, with a well-defined hypocotyl-radicle axis and spatula-shaped cotyledons. The moisture content at harvest time was 9.846 %, the viability was 75.83 % and the germination percentage was 55 % in the presence of light. The fruits, seeds and embryos of E. heterophylla have representative characteristics of the genus Euphorbia. Our results suggest that the seeds germinate in a higher percentage in the presence of light, without observing dormancy. This study is a starting point to outline future strategies in relation to the domestication of this species, given the agricultural and pharmaceutical importance of the plant.


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2023-05-25 — Updated on 2024-03-07


How to Cite

Ynchausti Rodríguez, J. R., Fernandes, P., Mazorra Calero, C. A., & Acosta Fernández, Y. (2024). Morphology and germination of Euphorbia heterophylla L. seeds. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(2), 189–200. Retrieved from (Original work published May 25, 2023)



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