System for the management of human resources at the national institute of stadistics of Angola




Computer System, Human Resources, Management


The National Institute of Statistics of Angola (INE), with a national scope, which is part of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), is an Angolan public body responsible for official statistical information in the Republic of Angola. The human resources management process, despite the technical scientific advances and the drive towards the computerization of society as one of the most important policies in the country, is carried out in Excel sheets or folders, which were often lost or lost. deleted, which is why the records were not kept up-to-date. For this reason, the objective is to develop a computer system for the management of Human Resources in the National Institute of Statistics of Angola. For the analysis and design of the system, the XP and TDD methodology was chosen, given its spontaneous adaptability to changes and low associated costs, at any stage of the life cycle. The system was implemented with the free programming language Python for the web through the Web2py framework and SQLServer is used in the database tool. Through interviews, the current situation of the organization was determined and the fundamental characteristics in the human resources management process were described. The tool ensures the updating and control of the information, to obtain different reports.


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2023-09-26 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Paixão do Rosário, A. F. ., Martínez Espinosa, Y., & Reyes Baños, R. L. (2024). System for the management of human resources at the national institute of stadistics of Angola. Universidad & Ciencia, 12(3), 167–179. (Original work published September 26, 2023)



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