Community actions to massify the practice of athletics in the category 8-9 years in Chambas
Athletics, Community actions, Early ages, Massive athleticsAbstract
The current level of the massification of athletics in the world requires systematic work from the small categories, supported by physical education teachers and sports area coaches. For what this article has as a priority to spread this sport in the community. Based on the implementation of tasks that help increase the incorporation of 8-9 years old children from the community, to the systematic practice of this sport. The essence of the problem identified was deepened through the documentary, inductive-deductive review methods, the observation and the interview with the students served to know the sporting events of their choice. and the survey was carried out on the coaches to find out the possible insufficiencies about the subject. On this basis, a system of actions was designed for the massive incorporation into the areas. Where the application of these managed to insert community leaders in the creation of sports media. Activists were also incorporated for the topics taught in the talks, teachers and coaches interacted with retired athletes. The competitive spirit in the community was recovered, the number of practitioners in the sports areas in the planned activities increased. The sports equipment created was exhibited at the Provincial Forum. Athletics could be seen as a unique scenario, due to its direct link with the environment.
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