Evaluation of Cannabis sativa L, oil for the management of osteoarticular pain in canines





Analgesia, Cannabis, Cannabinoid system, Domestic canines, Osteoarticular


Advances in veterinary medicine and the implementation of newtherapies incorporated into domestic canines and felines have made itpossible to improve the quality of life of pets, using cannabis oilextract, which has become an analgesic alternative, specifically incanines from middle to advanced age, with osteoarticular pain,generating a reduction in the normal activity of pets, observinglameness, stiffness, limitation of movement, loss of appetite and muscledegeneration. For this reason, the objective of the research was toevaluate the analgesic effect of the Cannabis sativa oil extract for themanagement of osteoarticular pain in canine patients. The research wascarried out at the Little Pet Veterinary Clinic, located in the provinceof Imbabura, in the Sierra region of Ecuador, in the canton of Otavalo,two doses (2mg/kg, 5mg/kg) of cannabis oil extract were evaluated,applied sublingually, where 20 canines were used, the parametersanalyzed were: Glasgow pain scale, blood count, blood chemistry aCompletely Randomized Design (DCA) was established, the statisticalanalysis included a comparison of means by means of frequencies inInfoStat version 1613-2013 and p value test. The dose of 5mg / kggenerated the best results, observing a significant reduction in theperception of pain and inflammation, and increased mobility, showing themost active canines improving their quality of life, due to itsanalgesic, immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory effect that it has.


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How to Cite

Puente Insuasti, E. H., & Cueva Salazar, N. M. (2024). Evaluation of Cannabis sativa L, oil for the management of osteoarticular pain in canines. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(1), 82–96. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10511434



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