Prevalence of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var canis) in canines treated at Veterinary Clinics of Riobamba




Demodex canis, Prevalence ofscabies, Scabies, Scabies in dogs


Scabieis mange is a common contagious disease in young dogs, withproblems in their immune system or skin pathologies, and in animals thatlive in unsanitary, overcrowded conditions or without many hygienemeasures. The objective of the research was to determine the prevalenceof sarcoptic mange according to the age and sex of the canines treatedin the different veterinary clinics. The research was carried out inthree veterinary clinics, taking skin scraping samples from dogs (n =100.of different breeds and ages. A skin sample was taken for eachanimal of different breeds and ages. First, each of the pet owners wastalked to to request their permission, and then the animal wasimmobilized to take the sample. With a scalpel blade, a sample of skinscraping was taken, and then transported to the laboratory inrefrigeration; mineral oil and adhesive tape were added to an objectslide, to later be analyzed with the help of an optical microscope. Theresults show the presence of mites in 63.0% (n = 63) and absence in37.0% (n = 37) of the animals. According to the age of the animals, itwas found that the presence of mites in adult dogs (n = 58) is 60.0%; inpuppy dogs (n = 7) 71.0% and senior category (n = 35) 66.0%, accordingto the place of origin, a greater presence of this parasite is presentin animals from the Mundo Animal clinic (n = 40) 73.0%; followed by theAnimal Planet clinic (n = 24) 67.0% and finally the dogs from the Myfaithful friend clinic (n = 36) 50.0%. It is concluded that there is ahigh prevalence of Demodex canis var canis of 63.0% in the veterinaryclinics of the city of Riobamba.


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How to Cite

Samaniego Guzmán, E. S., & Quishpe Mendoza, X. C. (2024). Prevalence of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var canis) in canines treated at Veterinary Clinics of Riobamba. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(1), 97–108.



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