The income of micro, small and medium enterprises and its impact on the municipality
Economic growth, Economic impact, Localemployment, Micro, small and medium enterprisesAbstract
Knowing the performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises(MSMEs) is important for any country, due to the dynamism that theytransmit to the economy. In the case of Cuba, in a current period of accelerated birth andgrowth of this type of entities, it is necessary to know the impact onthe economy, both for the academy and for local governments. Theobjective of this work is to determine the impact that the income ofMSMEs has had in the municipality of Florida. Camaguey, Cuba. Themethods and techniques used are analysis-synthesis andinduction-deduction; for the study of the consulted literature and theinterpretation of the data; historical and logical methods, to know theevolution of the object of study and its trends; the analysis ofdocuments and interviews with managers and specialists from differentcompanies on the use of indicators in managerial decision-making; Aquestionnaire was applied on the performance of MSMEs in themunicipality. The main results are due to the elements providedregarding the creation and evolution of these entities, appreciatingprogress in their creation, in their economic results and a certainlevel of satisfaction, as well as a low impact in terms of incometaxation, employment and creation of values, with little contribution tothe development of the municipality. Conclusions: The conception,creation and growth of MSMEs have a growth trend; it has allowed thecreation of jobs; the results provided are still insufficient and it isvalued with very low impact.Downloads
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