Prevalence of Toxocara cati in domestic felines of the Veracruz parish, Pastaza province, Ecuador




Domestic felines, Nematode, Prevalence, Toxocara cati, Zoonotic


Toxocara is an ascarid nematode considered highly pathogenic due tothe signs it produces, which can lead to the death of the patient. Inaddition to this, it is zoonotic in nature and important in publichealth. For this reason, the objective of the research was to determinethe prevalence of Toxocara cati in domestic felinesfrom the Veracruz parish, Pastaza province, Ecuador. A survey wasconducted among the inhabitants of the study area to determine thefeline population, resulting in a total of 64 cats, of which 55 weresampled, which were classified according to age; sex and parasitecontrol. The diagnosis of Toxocara cati was made usingtwo techniques: flotation by the Willis Molloy method; and the Directmethod. Egg counting was carried out with the use of the McMasterchamber to obtain the degree of parasitosis. 14 positive cases of T.cati were detected, which corresponds to a 25.45 % prevalence.Particularly in cats under 6 months of age, a higher parasite load wasevident with 64.29 %. The sex variable showed greater positivity infemales (64.29 %), compared to males (35.71 %). In relation to theparasite control variable, the total of positive cases turned out to benon-dewormed cats. The investigation concludes the existence of a 25.45% prevalence of T. cati in the Veracruz parish, Pastaza canton, Pastazaprovince, as well as insufficient veterinary care in the sector.


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2024-01-25 — Updated on 2024-02-11


How to Cite

Villavicencio Villavicencio, B. J., Castillo Pilamunga, V. M., & Lozada Ortiz, J. P. (2024). Prevalence of Toxocara cati in domestic felines of the Veracruz parish, Pastaza province, Ecuador. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(1), 138–147. (Original work published January 25, 2024)



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