Digital culture: technological literacy in university students




digital competence, digital culture, digital literacy


Introduction: communication is necessary between individuals, which is why digital culture has evolved both to receive information and to create its own with creativity, intelligence, and initiative. The function of universities is to integrate the different learning that occurs in different contexts. Objective: the purpose of this research is to know the level of technological literacy in university students in accounting and administrative careers. Method: the methodology that was applied is descriptive and quantitative, carried out with 206 university students, using the questionnaire for the Study of the Digital Competence of Higher Education Students (CDAES). Result: the results obtained were the following: the highest global averages were identified in the dimensions Technological Literacy (Functions and concepts of ICT), followed by Search and processing of information (Research and information management). Conclusion: students communicate with other people using various synchronous and asynchronous communication tools via the Web; through different mobile devices; On the other hand, students make effective use of the virtual campus used at the University to support their classes; as well as revealing that the study subjects identify and define authentic problems; They plan and conduct the activities necessary to develop a solution or complete projects.


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How to Cite

Peña Cárdenas, M. C., Chávez Macías, A. G., & Rivera Flores, K. Y. (2024). Digital culture: technological literacy in university students. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(Especial CIVITEC), 1–17.