Artificial intelligence as a tool for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
artificial intelligence, competitiveness, EfficiencyAbstract
The use of Artificial Intelligence has significantly boosted the efficiency of large companies, thanks to data analysis tools. Industry 4.0, based on big data, IoT, and augmented reality, offers opportunities to enhance competitiveness. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), despite financial limitations and resistance to change, must adopt these tools to stand out. Objectives include exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, acquiring data analysis skills, and understanding the impact of Industry 4.0 on SMEs. It is expected that these technologies will optimize processes, data, and personalized services. The methodology included clarifying key AI concepts and analyzing successful cases in companies. Survey results revealed that many SMBs lack knowledge of Industry 4.0 and have limited willingness to use it. This underscores the need to disseminate information and programs to enhance the adoption of these tools and ultimately increase competitiveness in the market.
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