Proposed ecotourism route to enjoy nature, food and mezcal, in Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Cirenio Escamirosa Tinoco Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Gabino Alberto Martínez Gutiérrez Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Isidro Morales García Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México



ecotourism, natural space, route, wild agaves


The state of Oaxaca has a very significant biological and cultural diversity that contributes to Mexico, as a country, being considered megadiverse at an international level, a fact that is provided by the states of the South-Southeast region of the country where the state of Oaxaca is located. Oaxaca, whose Mixteca-Zapoteca (Mix-Za) microregion, in its northern part, houses natural ecosystems where dry to semi-dry climates and arid to semi-arid soils predominate. In the forests, the pine-oak-pine ecosystem predominates, which houses the greatest diversity of agaves, which are located in a polygon of approximately one million hectares, which are communal property of the towns that are within that space from where wild agaves or magueyes are extracted from their natural habitat to distill mezcal with ancestral and artisanal distillation processes, which distinguishes them from other mezcals because these are given the name to the drink with the same name as the magueyes in both the Zapotec and Mixtec languages, which are spirit drinks of incomparable flavor, smell, color, persistence, complexity and vessel, far superior to traditional and commercial mezcal extracted from agave or maguey espadín. The main objective of the ecotourism route is to contribute to the improvement in the state of well-being of the inhabitants of the towns that are located along the route and especially to the mezcal producers, so that they receive a better price for their product. whose distillation process is carried out on a very small scale and therefore cannot have greater benefits because they are victims of intermediaries.


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How to Cite

Escamirosa Tinoco, C., Martínez Gutiérrez, G. A., & Morales García, I. (2024). Proposed ecotourism route to enjoy nature, food and mezcal, in Oaxaca, Mexico. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(Especial CIVITEC), 135–143.