Appellations of origin and geographical indications as a commercial strategy for products from rural communities


  • Cirenio Escamirosa Tinoco Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Raúl Rivera García Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
  • Matthias Rös Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional Unidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México



agri-food products, artisanal products, commodities, designation of origin, geographical indication


For developing countries, traditional or conventional national and international marketing strategies are through commodities, which are important and fundamental in the trade balances of the countries, but the marketing of agri-food and artisanal products from Specific geographic regions that give the products a quality assurance that consumers are willing to obtain because they guarantee to be artisanally manufactured, almost always free of preservatives and substances harmful to health. Such is the case of products; agricultural, food and artisan products that are made having as characteristic features the geographical conditions of a specific site that, due to having distinctive conditions of climate, soil and cultural aspects of the people who inhabit them that incorporate properties into the products that only yes and only If the natural and cultural environment of the people can provide it, the main objective of this work is to draw the attention of officials from the three levels of government; National, State and Municipal, to promote and facilitate the generation of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications as a tool to enhance National, Regional and Rural development. Because they are marketing resources that should be used more widely by developing countries such as Mexico, which only has 4 (IG) and 16 (DO) with official registration with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Protection (IMPI), while the 27 countries that make up the European Union have 377 (IG) and a still undetermined number of (DO).


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How to Cite

Escamirosa Tinoco, C., Rivera García, R., & Rös M. (2024). Appellations of origin and geographical indications as a commercial strategy for products from rural communities. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(3), 40–53.



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