Strategy for the recovery of the construction state of the Railway Station of the municipality of Moron




conservation, construction damage, heritage, railway station, restoration


The objective of this work is to develop a maintenance strategy through the analysis of the construction deterioration presented by the Morón Municipality Railway Station caused by the systematic lack of adequate interventions. Constructive physical detriments are presented and the possible causes that cause it, the effects and behavior with the environment are identified. The Guide for Carrying out Technical Building Inspections is implemented where the elements that affect the security of the property and the people who inhabit it are reviewed. The main injuries are detailed: leaks in roofs, cracks in concrete structures and corrosion in reinforcement, which leads to carrying out a strategy of measures for its recovery without violating the Regulations of the Office of Monuments and Historical Sites of Ciego de Ávila (Heritage), in the search for solutions to resolve the current construction situation of this heritage.


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How to Cite

Monguía Bello, N., & Machado Jácome, A. (2024). Strategy for the recovery of the construction state of the Railway Station of the municipality of Moron. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 175–192.



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