Age at first calving of the Holstein Friesian breed in Ecuador




first calving age, number of births, region


Introduction: Reproductive management and in particular the age at first calving constitute fundamental pillars for profitability in dairy cattle farming. Objective: Estimate the age at first birth of the population registered in AHFE according to geographical and climatic conditions. Method: The research was based on information from the properties registered in the Holstein Friesian Association of Ecuador (AHFE), distributed mainly in the mountain region, up to 3800 meters above sea level. 94,163 records of cows with first calving between 22 and 34 months were evaluated, from 1971 to 2019. Considering the identification of the animal, date of birth, date of first calving and geographical location of the property. The measures of central tendency and dispersion of the EPP variable were calculated, as well as the 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: The average age was 48 months in 1971 with a significant decrease of 35-41 months between the years 1972-1975, and 30-35 months between the years 1976-2018, consolidating between 23-29 months in the year 2019. The average age at first birth varied between the categories with 38.42 and 40.17 months for the high category, between 24.46 and 25.07 months for the low category and for the medium category between 29.61 and 29.76 months in the Coast, East and Sierra regions of Ecuador. Differences were observed between EPP, season-region and altitude. Conclusion: This is the first work carried out in Ecuador, in which a sustained reduction in the age at first birth is determined.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Álvarez, I., Cartuche Macas, L., Chacón Marcheco, E., Ortuño Barba, C., & Guevara Viera, G. (2024). Age at first calving of the Holstein Friesian breed in Ecuador . Universidad & Ciencia, 13(3), 26–39.



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