Historical significance of the Demajagua Bell for university students





historical leader, history, university of Avila


Introduction: The need to perfect the knowledge of history and its approach to the thoughts of the Historical Leader of the Revolution, leads to an investigation into the participation of this young man in the sociopolitical life of the country during his student years, to achieve an approach to the demands of today's university. Timely was the initiative of the University Student Federation (FEU) in 2007, to remember a historical event of transcendental importance to learn more about the feat undertaken by the university students led by Fidel Castro, in the defense of a national symbol that marks the beginning of the wars for the independence of Cuba. Objective: to reveal the importance of the action of the historical leader and its significance for young university students, as a foundation for knowledge of the History of Cuba, in particular that of Avila with the passage of the Demajagua Bell through the universities of the country, which he presided the eighth FEU Congress. Method: the documentary review, the group and collective interview, serve as a basis for the collection and processing of information, as part of the qualitative research methodology, where the philosophical method is enhanced from the general to the particular. Results: the participation of Avilanian university students in the tribute to the Demajagua Campaign. Conclusion: the importance of the feat, led by Fidel, is exposed; as well as the participation of the university students in the tribute to this national symbol in the current context, where the Avilanian University was represented.


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How to Cite

Hernández Morales, M. M., Zequeira Pérez de Corcho, A. R., & Oquendo Fleitas, D. Z. (2024). Historical significance of the Demajagua Bell for university students. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 218–233. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11200686



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