Main pests of cashew and their control with the use of leached worm humus




cashew, leached humus, pests


Introduction: the present investigation was carried out at the “La Candelaria” farm belonging to the Strengthened Credit and Services Cooperative, Patricio Sierralta, of the Ciro Redondo Municipality, in the period from February 2019 to February 2020. Objective: define the main crop pests in cashew and the influence that leached worm humus exerts on them. The experimental area chosen for the cashew in cultivar was 0.5 ha. Method: to determine the main pests in the evaluated fruit tree, the general methodology for evaluations of pests and natural enemies was used. For their identification and taxonomic classification, they were taken to the Entomology laboratory of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, to the provincial Plant Health laboratory, and to the National Institute of Plant Health. Result: three pests were determined and of them one key and two occasional, constituting the pest with the highest incidence throughout the year, Colletotrichum gloeosporoides (Penz). Conclusion: it was demonstrated that the leached worm humus produced an inhibitory effect on the pest during all the applications carried out.


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How to Cite

Iparraguirre Cruz, M. Ángel, Pavón Murillo, A., Pérez García, G. A., & Soto Domínguez, N. (2024). Main pests of cashew and their control with the use of leached worm humus. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(3), 1–11.



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