This is an outdated version published on 2021-10-05. Read the most recent version.

The design of the experimental activity in the teachers in training of the 13th grade in Moçâmedes



aprendizaje, habilidad, Química, trabajo de laboratorio


The direction of the experimental activity in the teaching-learning process of Chemistry is essential to raise the level of knowledge, skills and values in teachers in training. In pedagogical practice, deficiencies that affect the development of skills, specifically the design of the experimental activity were found. For this, a descriptive study is carried out for the diagnosis of the current state of development of the design ability of the experimental activity in the teachers in training of the 13th grade of the specialty of Bio-chemistry at the "Patrice Lumumba" Teaching School, Moçâmedes municipality, Angola, from the application of different research methods and techniques such as theoretical, empirical and mathematical. The shortcomings found in the application of the observation guide, survey, pedagogical test, and the analysis of documents, allowed to know the current state of the development of the design ability of the experimental activity in the teachers in training.

Author Biographies

Esmeraldo Pedro Zeferino-Salote, Complexo Escolar N°27M “4 de Março”

Profesor de Química

Erismelkys Espinosa-Castillo, Universidad de Ciego de Ávila Máximo Gómez Báez

Profesor de Química y Jefe de carrera


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2021-09-25 — Updated on 2021-10-05


How to Cite

Zeferino-Salote, E. P., & Espinosa-Castillo, E. (2021). The design of the experimental activity in the teachers in training of the 13th grade in Moçâmedes. Educación Y Sociedad, 19(3), 75–94. Retrieved from (Original work published September 25, 2021)