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The pedagogical legacy of Abraham Heschel



Educación, Saber, Padres, Palabra, Judaísmo.


This article shows some of the aspects that Abraham Heschel considered essential to promote education, both at home and in the classroom. The Jewish philosopher and rabbi establishes the importance of the testimony, considering it the sustenance of teaching. The paper outlines the Jewish legacy in education, even though it is not fully recognized. The idea of ​​education in Heschel consists in an interaction that is based on the interest of the educator and on his own inquiry into the reality that surrounds him and of which he is a part of. As well, Heschel´s advice to youth in regards to respect is examined. In this sense, some guidelines of the philosophy of Jewish education are exposed and the value and influence of the educator's word and its resonance in young people are presented.

Author Biography

Héctor Sevilla-Godínez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor e Investigador en el Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades del Centro Universitario de los Valles en la Universidad de Guadalajara. Ha publicado 16 libroas y más de 110 artículos en revistas indizadas.


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Heschel, A. (1973b). Los profetas. Vol. Simpatía y fenomenología. Paidós.

Heschel, A. (1984). Dios en busca del hombre. Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano.

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Heschel, A. (1960). The Values of Jewish Education. Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly, 23, 19-42.

Heschel, A. (1982). El hombre no está solo. Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano.

Heschel, A. (1987). Democracia y otros ensayos. Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano.

Kaplan, E. (1973). Language and Reality in Abraham Joshua Heschel´s Philosophy of Religion. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 41(1), 94-113.

Kaplan, E. (1987). Misticismo y desesperanza en el pensamiento religioso de A. J. Heschel. Maj’shavot.Pensamientos, 26(12), 22- 36.

Levenson, J. (1999). The Contradictions of A. J. Heschel. Maj’shavot. Pensamientos, 37(1), 23-29.

McBride, A. (1973). Heschel: Religious Educator. New Dimension Books.

Meyer, M. (1987). In memoriam. En A. Heschel, Democracia y otros ensayos (11-17). Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano.

Pérez, V. (2007). La religión judía desde Buber y Heschel ante la posmodernidad. Historia y Grafía, 28, 41-68.




How to Cite

Sevilla-Godínez, H. (2021). The pedagogical legacy of Abraham Heschel. Educación Y Sociedad, 19(3), 95–108. Retrieved from