Methodology for the teaching-learning of the historical space in the career Marxism Leninism and History



Historical context, historical space, spatiality, space operators, cartographic skills, methodology


The methodology for the teaching of the historical space is aimed at solving a problem that bases its origin on the inconsistent didactic treatment to the Historical Area, impacting on the impossibility to make comprehensive and contextualized analyzes of the historical phenomenon. So the purpose of the research is to form a methodology for teaching-learning of the Historical Space in the training of the future professional of the pedagogical specialty Marxism Leninism and History, based on contents of the History of Cuba discipline. The contribution of the research is revealed in the established links between the operators and their corresponding relations of spatiality in the teaching - learning process of History. Methods from the theoretical level such as synthetically-analytical, logical-historical and inductive-deductive ones have been used, as well as ones from the empirical and statistical level. The results achieved demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposal.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Abelardo, O., González-Benavente, L. M. ., & Lopez-Chaviano, M. . (2023). Methodology for the teaching-learning of the historical space in the career Marxism Leninism and History. Educación Y Sociedad, 21(1), 201–212. Retrieved from



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