Conception of the Quantum Mechanical for professors of physics in formation in Angola starting from the structure of the corresponding physical theory



Teaching of the Physics, teaching of the Quantum Mechanics, professors' initial formation


In this article one argues the conception of the Quantum Mechanical discipline for professors of Physics in formation in Angola starting from the structure of the corresponding physical theory. The results are supplemented with the study of the learning of the students in the years lectivos 2019 and 2020 in the career of Licentiate in Education Physical Option of the Pedagogic Superior School of Bié. A mixed methodology was used in the one that you/they were considered methods and techniques so much quantitative as qualitative for the analysis and prosecution of the information. He/she was carried out a pedagogic test to evaluate the level of domain of the contents of the Quantum Mechanics in an intentional sample of 36 fourth year-old students in the course 2019 and 18 students in the 2020. The results of the learning of the students sustain the conception assumed in the investigation, when obtaining same values or superiors to the half value in a qualitative scale of three indexes.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L. E., Gaio, J. M., & Chamizo-Bosh, Y. . (2023). Conception of the Quantum Mechanical for professors of physics in formation in Angola starting from the structure of the corresponding physical theory. Educación Y Sociedad, 21(1), 105–121. Retrieved from


