Aproximación al perfil integral y contextualizado del gerente educativo





gerente educativo, perfil, integral, contextualizado


This paper is the result of a qualitative research to support a theory about the professional profile of the educational manager. It was carried out at the Universidad OMI Organismo de Investigación, Mexico. Its objective is to propose a system of indicators, with their content, about the integral and contextualized profile of the educational manager, based on an effective and efficient mode of operation. This research contains the current limitations of this professional from that perspective, expressed by those who act under their direction on a daily basis. It includes an alternative of 25 indicators that constitute an approximation to its profile, adapted to the requirements of the present day. This analysis is based on the application of methods, techniques and procedures such as participatory action research, documentary study, expert judgment, interview, analysis and synthesis, systemic and hermeneutic methods. Its most significant result consists in the systematization of the limitations of the contemporary educational manager and the indicators to solve them.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela-López, J., & Abreu-Valdivia, O. (2024). Aproximación al perfil integral y contextualizado del gerente educativo. Educación Y Sociedad, 22(2), 69–88. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11258676


