Role of pre professional practices in the management of formative research of higher education, 2023




formative research, pre-professional practice, investigative processes, higher education, Peru


Introduction: The pre-professional practice establishes links between the academic and the investigative processes with corporations and society in general. It contributes to the consolidation of formative research in higher education students based on their theoretical-critical reflections, self-learning and problematic situations that must be solved through researches at an exploratory level. Objective: The study analyzed the role that formative research practices play in students and teachers of the Faculty of Administration and Tourism. Method: A descriptive investigation was carried out, a quantitative approach and the empirical method and synthetic analysis were used. The insight of students and teachers about the research management developed were taken into account through the surveys. Results: The main results indicate that the most important factor in management is the exploratory research processes in students. Also, the most important factors in formative research in professors are the investigative activities in the classroom. Conclusion: The research managed by formative research in pre-professional practice and the exploratory investigation are the most important for students and investigative activities are essential for teachers in the classroom. The use of techniques is the least developed process by students and teachers.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Maguiña, M. R. ., Silvia Figueroa, S. I. ., & Salinas Gamboa , J. G. (2024). Role of pre professional practices in the management of formative research of higher education, 2023. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 69–86.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica