Didactic strategy with the Padlet and Mentimeter tools in the subject History of Law





legal profession, active learning, online learning, information technology, motivation


Introduction: the Law degree at the university level has the subject History of Law, aimed at reflecting on legal systems through the different economic-social formations, whose content is undervalued in its importance by students in the initial course. Objective: socialize the assessment of the results obtained in the application of the didactic strategy with the use of the digital tools Padlet and Mentimeter in the subject History of Law, Law degree at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Method: the research was carried out on a sample of 15 students from the first year of the degree; The interview was used, whose processing, tabulation and presentation; They allowed, from a positivist paradigm, with a predominantly quantitative approach and descriptive scope, the assessment of manifestations of the activities planned in the didactic strategy. Results: after reviewing the applications of the tasks with the use of the digital tools Padlet and Mentimeter, favorable learning results were obtained, with primacy of those corresponding to the Mentimeter platform, in contrast to the results recorded in the previous course. Conclusion: from the implementation of the didactic strategy, a structure of participation and increasing qualitative results are evident that demonstrate the convenience of using digital platforms.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pérez, O., & Zúñiga Delgado, M. S. (2024). Didactic strategy with the Padlet and Mentimeter tools in the subject History of Law. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 12(2), e8580. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13830444



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica