Management of the guiding action as a thematic analysis from the distributed leadership promoted by school administrators
systematic review, distribution of leadership, guiding action, students, school managerAbstract
Introduction: managing the distribution of the guiding action from the leadership of the school manager is a relevant subject in education. Objective: to conduct a systematic review with thematic analysis of the main investigations that addresses the management of the guiding action from the perspective of distributed leadership promoted by the school manager. Methodology: PRISMA standards were followed to identify and select the 19 articles included in this systematic review. An exhaustive search was carried out in academic databases and the main results and emerging thematic lines were extracted and synthesized. Results: the involvement of different actors in decision-making is essential to ensure an equitable distribution of leadership. The key role of the school director as manager of the organizational processes that support and guarantee a quality guiding action was highlighted. A manager must establish clear structures and processes, promote the training of educational personnel and foster a culture of collaboration and participation. Conclusion: the importance of the distribution of leadership in the guiding action is highlighted with special emphasis on student participation and the role of the school manager as administrator of the organizational processes.
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