Total phenols content in a fermented drink of dried jamaican flowers (Hibiscus Sabdariffa)



Alcoholic beverage, Fermentation, Jamaican flowers, Phenolic content, Quantitative and qualitative characteristics


Currently one of the consumers´ dietary requirements are products that provide functional and nutritional value to keep their health in good condition. The consumption of bioactive compounds in wine-type beverages has been influenced by the contribution of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and other organic acids that result from secondary metabolism. Research on these compounds has determined that they can act as a protective factor against chronic degenerative diseases; therefore, the present study aims to establish the concentration of total phenol content in a fermented beverage made from dehydrated Jamaican flowers obtained under controlled conditions in terms of their cultivation and drying process. The wine-type alcoholic beverage was obtained with a procedure that allows preserving the greatest amount of these components; the physicochemical parameters obtained were: pH=2.8; 12.6 °Bx and 5.37g ác. Trat/L, in addition to a moderate qualitative identification of reducing sugars (+ + +) and the presence of phenols and tannins in abundant valuation scale (+ + +). Finally, a total phenol content was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method of 774.352 mg (GAE). L-1, which could not only be related to the fermentation process, but also to preliminary processes such as the maturity index of the flower during harvesting and drying conditions should be considered in order to conserve relevant components that could provide a benefit for their antioxidant effect, which will be of interest for future research.


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2023-05-25 — Updated on 2024-03-07


How to Cite

Morales Padilla, M. M., Parra Gallardo, G. P., & Granja Guerra, E. (2024). Total phenols content in a fermented drink of dried jamaican flowers (Hibiscus Sabdariffa). Universidad & Ciencia, 12(2), 45–54. Retrieved from (Original work published May 25, 2023)



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