Transgenics and the law: necessary notes for cuban legislation
Agrarian Law, DNA, Law, TransgenicsAbstract
In recent decades, humanity has witnessed the impressive advancesachieved in the field of genetic engineering, which has allowed thecreation of organisms that did not previously exist in nature, includingtransgenic agricultural products, endowed with characteristics of clearproductive and interesting interest. commercial. The scientific articlefocuses on the investigation of the historical evolution of transgenicfoods in Cuban society, covering its origin, concept, and relationshipwith legal sciences. The research is carried out from the SocialSciences and focuses on deeply analyzing GMOs, their historicalevolution and their relationship with the law in Cuban society. Themethodology used is bibliographic research with documentary analysistechniques, using theoretical methods such as historical-logical,analysis-synthesis and the empirical method of content analysis. Thegeneral objective of the scientific article presented is to demonstratethe link between transgenic organisms and the law within the Cuban legalsystem.
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