Technological capabilities and innovation in mango dehydration: a study case




competitiveness, economic development, innovation, technological capabilities


For companies, learning, the generation and application of knowledge is a fundamental factor for their development, it constitutes the main basis of innovation processes and, as a consequence, greater competitiveness. Currently, companies are looking to insert themselves in the foreign market. Although it is true that companies play the main role, they require the support of an institutional framework to consolidate these processes of innovation and development, both at individual as well as local and regional level. The objective of this research is to characterize the technological capabilities in the mango dehydrating process, based on the identification of the abilities to use, absorb, adapt and improve or generate new technologies. These processes have led the dehydrating company, located in the town of Las Varas in the municipality of Compostela, Nayarit, to position itself in the regional market. The ECLAC methodology proposes three dimensions of analysis: the available base, the effort made to increase and consolidate capabilities, and the results achieved from existing capabilities. Among the most relevant findings, it is worth highlighting the capabilities to absorb, adapt and improve the technologies that are the basis of the industry. It should be noted that the skills developed in the company have been reflected in greater productivity and competitiveness within the industry.


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How to Cite

Paredes Medina, R. M., Montes Torres, M. de L., & Oregel Rosales, F. (2024). Technological capabilities and innovation in mango dehydration: a study case. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(Especial CIVITEC), 55–69.