The Effect of social networks on the development of cognitive skills: exploratory factor analysis
cognitive skills, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, social mediaAbstract
The objective of this research is to evaluate, through an Exploratory Factor Analysis, the effect of social networks on the development of cognitive skills in university students. The results are obtained through a descriptive quantitative study, with the study subjects being young university students from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), specifically from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration. A sample of 354 students is established, based on a confidence level (z) of 95 percent and a margin of error () of 5 %, in addition to a probability of success (p) and failure (q) equal to 0.5. As main implications, the presence of social networks is identified as a phenomenon present in the current context. From the methodological point of view, through an exploratory factor analysis, an exploratory model that integrates two factors under study is validated; social networks made up of variables such as Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube; as well as cognitive skills integrated by critical thinking, creativity and problem solving. Such integration of variables explains more than fifty percent of the phenomenon of social networks and cognitive abilities that the factorial relationship is established by virtue of the KMO test. According to the results and discussion thereof, future lines of research are generated to provide findings on the impact of the use of social networks on the development of interpersonal skills in university students.
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