The client profile of Villa Yaguanabo of the Islazul Hotel Group Cienfuegos Branch




commercial management, customer profile, marketing


The customer profile is an essential component for any organization. In the tourism sector, it is today a priority due to the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, in the decrease in the arrival of visitors and in the stability of personnel in the entities during periods of confinement. Knowing the customer profile in the tourism sector is essential to achieve the best marketing strategies for hotels and destinations. The following work was carried out in the Villa Yaguanabo of the Islazul Chain, Cienfuegos uses documentary review, analysis of statistical information, surveys and interviews as methods with the objective of define the client profile, which contributes to commercial management and in this way to be able to increase the arrival of visitors to the destination and with this will raise the level of occupancy.


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How to Cite

Navarro Patrick, M., Acosta Chongo, Y., & Torres Sarría, L. (2024). The client profile of Villa Yaguanabo of the Islazul Hotel Group Cienfuegos Branch. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 160–174.



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